Monday, September 22, 2014

On NextGen

 1) In 1-2 paragraphs, describe what NextGen is and when it will be implemented.
      NextGen is a series of programs that will be utilized to increase the efficiency and safety of the aviation community. These programs include: Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B), Collaborative Air Traffic Management Technologies (CATMT), Data Communications (Data Comm), Common Support Services-Weather (CSS-Wx), The National Airspace System Voice System (NVS), and System Wide Information Management (SWIM). These programs will give us more precise aircraft location, controllers will be able to send digital instructions to pilots, more accurate weather services, and other technological advances. By the end of fiscal year 2015, the FAA expects to complete their first set of operational improvements, establishing NextGen's foundational infrastructure.
   There is a deadline of January 1, 2020 for tens of thousands of aircraft to be equipped with ADS-B.

 2) Also discuss the impact of NextGen on both GA and commercial aviation (positives and negatives).
     Cost is the main concern for both GA and commercial aviation. General Aviation benefits from expanded availability of instrument approaches.  For commercial aviation, NextGen will speed traffic, reduce travel routes, and allow less distances separating flights. In order to accommodate for this increased traffic many major airports will need to make improvements and be able to provide additional capacity. This is a concern as airport construction is long and tedious work.

 3) NextGen will cost a lot of money. This money will be obtained through fees/taxes. How do you think these fees/taxes should be applied and why?
     There are already organizations, such as NextGen GA Fund, aiming to help those in the general aviation community finance NextGen equipment. According to, Airport and Airway Trust Fund (AATF) has been the primary funding source for NextGen to date. The FAA and its associated programs have proposed more money in the budget for NextGen funding compared to fiscal year 2014. Some taxes and fees that have been suggested are baggage tax, increasing jet fuel tax, increasing passenger ticket tax, and imposing a NextGen fee. I think this may be a necessary way to obtain funds for NextGen, at least for a period of time, not permanent taxes/fees. As long as it does not because unreasonably expensive to fly then this method of funding can be validated.

 4) How will NextGen affect your career?
      It won't, from what I have read, the military will not be effected.


  1. Good information. I also doubt it will affect the military. The military has their own way of doing things and although they may take some things from the civilian sector they will always have their own procedures. Enjoy TACAN and all the other joys of the military.

  2. I like your idea of breaking up the taxes in many different ways. This lessens the sticker shock if someone see's a new imposed tax on their already outrageous airline ticket.

  3. Good description of NextGen. I wonder what back lash the air carriers would have if they were to add more to the price of an airline ticket to help cover the cost of NextGen. Time will tell how exactly NextGen will be funded, but I agree that the cost should be spread across all those who are in the aviation industry

  4. I like how you gave examples of taxes to pay for NextGen. It is easy to think that all the money comes from the government, but how the government makes up for it tend to get over looked. Wounder what passengers would think if they say "NextGen fee" when they buy their tickets?

  5. The military really isn’t going to NextGen? I wonder what they plan to use to stay current. Or if they have a similar system, but for the military only.

  6. Your description of NextGen is very thorough. Nice work.

  7. I think you make a valid point with the fact that NextGEN will increase air traffic and ultimately airports will have to expand due to the influx of aircraft operating and the airports capacity not being able to keep up.
