Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Space Tourism

On 31 October, Virign Galactic SpaceShipTwo crashed due to the rudders unexpectedly moved into a feathered position too early. Below is a more detailed explanation.

Virgin Galactic is the world's first commercial space line. 
     "The 2004 Ansari X Prize called for private sector innovations in the field of manned space exploration. Specifically, participants had to design and manufacture a privately funded vehicle that could deliver the weight of three people (including one actual person) to suborbital space. The vehicle had to be 80 percent reusable and fly twice within a two-­‐week period."

All regulations mandated by the FAA in regards to space tourism are about safety and the notification to passengers of the risk they are going to assume in participating. They also require flight testing of the vehicles. Specifics can be found in the Commercial Space Launch Amendments Act of 2004.

I do believe space tourism will be available to the general public within the next 50 years. The expense and associated risks are what I think will limit the industry from growing rapidly, both technologically and in number of people taking part in space tourism.


  1. Oh my god I love your visual aide picture at the top I hadn't seen that before and it explained the crash so easily. And I agree that it will be available soon hopefully in 50 years we can go up into space and I agree the fear is what will hinder the growth of the industry. I also did not know about the Ansari X Prize that was interesting.

  2. I also like the simplicity of the above graphic.
