Monday, October 13, 2014


     Well first of all in case anyone actually believed the "pizza delivery" by an UAV this is not a continuous operation, it was only a video promotion. This service would be illegal in the U.S. anyway since according to the FAA would not even consider allowing a UAV to fly beyond the operator's sight for civilian purposes because of security and safety concerns. The same website states that only government agencies, some public universities, and a handful of private companies hold the few hundred existing FAA permits to fly private UAVs. This article was published in June 2013 so I would assume the numbers are increasing.

     They have to integrate in NAS, UAVs can't fly where manned aircraft fly with a completely different set of rules and regulations. It has to be at least partially integrated so that all parties understand what is going on around them. The process will probably be long and tedious just like anything else that is new and complex. According to unmanned aircraft are currently flying in the national airspace system under very controlled conditions for example they are currently not authorized in Class B airspace. Issues with this integration may include advanced technology considerations and operational specifications.

     UAVs Allow military units to send in a force to gather intelligence or take out specific targets without ever putting boots on the ground. I believe so far the use of UAVs in the military sector has been efficient and there is still room to grow and expand the use of UAVs by the military.

Jobs available to civilians include numerous engineering jobs dealing with the various systems and software of UAVs. Also posted are some contractor type jobs.


  1. I really like how easy it is to read your post it is straight and to the point some of the blogs I read (including mine) tend to ramble on about all kinds of things. It is too bad though about the pizza thing, I'm surprised you went with that instead of the Amazon Prime Air debacle. Cant wait to read future posts.

  2. I agree about UAV's flying in the same airspace as manned aircraft. To come up with a different set of rules and regulations for UAV's and airliners in the same airspace is a recipe for disaster.

  3. Let me first start out by saying that pizza delivery by drone would be epic. I do believe having that different regulations would further complicate our already complicated air regulations. I like how you covered the benefits of military UAV's and the safety behind it. Great read.

  4. I agree that it would be very complicated to integrate UAVs into a already complicated system under a different set of rules. It will be awhile before this could happen.

  5. Good, specific information about the restrictions on UAVs today and they potential issues in the future.
